Simple, effective and executable strategy is our forte. Great nonprofits know where they want to arrive three to five years from now. Without a plan, nonprofits can drift, waste resources, and have fewer mission impacts. Getting everyone "on the same page" is critical for organizational success.
Board members need to understand their true roles and responsibilities and how to apply "best-practices" to be effective and mission-driven. The work of the board of directors should happen in committees. Board meetings should consist of voting to make legally binding decisions and to dream together about the future of the 501c3 nonprofit.
Facilitation provides an outside third party nonprofit expert to help with opening up dialogue to build consensus around major issues.
Often, solutions come very quickly with the use of a skilled facilitator. As we often hear clients say, "It's complicated."
Our proven methods accomplish full participation of staff, board of directors and other key stakeholders. From a full written plan to simple facilitation of the process, we can assist you in finding the strategies to accomplish more of your mission.
Affordable, timely, and flexible to ever-changing landscapes.
Things can get complicated in the nonprofit world. Often, an independent, outside nonprofit expert can guide healthy conversations to find the best solutions. Facilitation can restore relationships and give guidance on how to proceed. Great facilitation brings out the best ideas and leads to concensus building.